Box of 2010 ? Ehmmm.... ManY Things Happened in 2010 ThaT I wAnna KeeP Them There and Lock TheM uP ......
January 2010 :
iT sTarTs noT sO gOod.... My mama admit to RIPAS ... mama Masatu damam berat..... den we brought her to hospital .... then mama kana admit ...... since then kluar masuk hospital...
ehm , yea I sTarted My Teaching PracTice @ SUAMPRIPAD ...! it was a lovely teaching experience ever ... I get to know many loveable ppl there! kwn2 dgn TP, cooperating teachers, all tcrs arah the staffroom sporting! i miss them!!! huhu. and also i love all my students!!! they are very wonderful students :D . mula2 seksa jua rasanya kn ngajar tu, but yea day by day,time past away.. *lagu westlife tayaaa,pacah ahhahha* i realised that teaching is fun! wlwpun it demands lots of creativity but yea i do love teaching :)
The TP ends in May! :( sedih jua rasanya kn ninggalkan that lovely school but yea we have to go :)
May?: ehmm, as i said mama luah masuk ospital psl sakit ....... nda tau cana kn explain cana rasanya bila liat mama sakit atu ..... "May 2010" again mama masuk spital.... she looks very weak msatu ...........
And for one serious reason, we have to move out from our place at salambigar ....... for mama's own good.... we move to my bro's house .........
nya urg "hujan emas dinegeri org,hujan batu dnegeri sendiri,baik lagi dnegeri sendiri" mcm awut plg but yea ..... let it jz be defined by myself.....and the most important thing is .......
"The Home is where The HearT Lives" ...... All seven's 7 knows Better ....
i feel that i've lost some of the "loves" ....... --" .... dlm sekelip mata sj like things change very fast.... i dunno but yea that's the reality i have to face....
we cant always expect that the good things will always be there for us rite ? :)tp aku tau yang Things Happen For Reasons!
Yea bnr things happen for reasons, ku rasa maybe ku lebih bertanggungjawab kali wiv many things happen in the family... like berdikari psl hal ehwal rumah, all those kemahiran dlm rumah.... psl mama sakit so many things need to be handled sndri rite....
Banarnya bnyk airmata yang mengalir dlm tahun 2010 .... again... Allah and All 7's Know BeTTer .....
Mama's condition is ONE the reasonS the fall of tears..... u may not know cana rasanya when mliat masatu mama tpksa dbawa ke emergency and meliat ea sasak nafas and ...... bila mama g ckp mcm2 masatu, hati mana yg nda lamas rasanya mliat msatu mama mncari sorang2 anak2nya ...... she really2 looked very weak ........ , and mbari gigitan g rasakan btriak when doktornya g lmbt mbari oxygen. hellooooo it's an emergency room!!!!!!!!!!!!
then admit lagi, kna charge heart failure, almost 3 weeks d spital... it's not been any good for her but yea alhamdulillah we've tried jua dri DarussYifa ..... sikit2 ada membaik alhamdulillah...... but yea kadang2 bebalik.....
And there was one time tym drumah..... mustahil all 7's akan lupa .... msatu she looks very critical ..... like i dunno.... smua kmi bkumpul drumah dbilik ..malam... aher dah.... mama cari sorang2..... we all bacakan surah2 yang patut.... abg aji tipun dr jepun , kesian ea dr sana nda dpt dtg sini jmpa mama , i noe how he felt cana rasanya jauh dnegeri urg mndgr suara mama msatu bckp sama ea dr tipun , mama ckp ea nda apa2 dgn suaranya yg lamah bnr.... *Ya Allah.....:'( .... cobaan banar..*
kami smua ada drumah mnjaga mama smpy esuknya ...... .... and many things yg i cant share wiv u what happened in that particular challenging day ......
Alhamdulillah her condition gets better..... Allah punya kuasa...klw Allah menghendaki mama sihat smula mcm dulu, alhamdulillah.... tapi ane pun far much better dr keadaannya b4 ane.......
I think yea Allah knows better .... maybe klw Allah nda menguji mama....... kmi nda brapa mengambil spenuh perhatian arah mama kali .... maybe kalau mama sihat mcm dulu, kmi nda brapa bertanggungjawab kali .......... and now i love her more and more and more... setiap saat wiv mama adalah saat yg paling berharga :)... I Love All 7's sEven.... :)
2010 ..... I miss HOME ...... I Miss Lupak Luas....... I Miss EveryThing can be considered as HOME ..........
2010..... tahun yg mengukir kenangan berharga psl tahun 2010 ... Convocation Year! Class of 2010....! :') Alhamdulillah penat lelah 4 tahun berbaloi jua... but how wish bapa dpt liat smua ane but yea again Allah knows better .. :) ... Mama dpt liat at least rite :) my sis n bro wakil liat my convo :) ... i still can be considered as lucky rite :) Alhamdulillah :)
The sad thing ganya psl lps ne nda g akan sama mcm dulu tym d ubd slalu jmpa kwn2 .... Things happen and we cant expect that it will stay the same rite .... ikut saja tah alunan sama hayunan idup ane :D
ABC I Luv you sisters :)
2010.... Ramadhan and Raya? .... Ehmm.... whaT You sAy All 7's? ehmm can i jz skip
this one .... *lamas*
2010..... :( .... Allah lebih mengetahui...Allah nda akan menduga hambaNya melebihi kemampuan..... my sis in law jua kna charge breast cancer.... kmi sntiasa doakan spaya kaka kuat ,mndapat kesihatan and mndpt prlindungan dari Allah slalu amiin... All 7's will always support u and i know u r very strong in getting the chemo and everything ... Love u sis n bro and Akmals .. :)
2010..... Towards the end bnrnya is getting good :D ... ehmmm i wish :D
i get to do smtg yg slama ane aku mau buat..... FISHING!!!! siOOooTT!!!!! siuk!! alum ku tbuat psl memancing atu blognya XDD..... tp yea i did enjoy the day kamu u noe who!!! :DDDD alhamdulillah blurih jua ku LAUK PUTIH & SUMBILANG HHAHAHHAHAHHAHA nikmat rasanya dpt ikan ah XDDDDDD plus tenang jiwa :)
and and our so-called ABC Malam APresiasi!!! HAHAHAHHA FUN brabis!!!! kmi exchange adiah2, briuh dbilik otel, ada blognya tu,baca sha XD, tjmpa artis!!! wohoo!!! nyanset,nyanrais!!!! yetah siuklah! XDDD
Atu lagi jua ... HAHAHAHA aktiviti mereeezzz (sama jua ndaku smpt blogging XD) , bnr2 drg merez aktiviti sehari atu, pecah rekodku slama ane XDDD
merez dari pagi membowling,den ngeybox,then lunch then wayang (tmpt baru!!! siuk!ceta aku tak bodoh XD) then nyanset d tungku! phew! lawa tmptnya!
oh yea ! 1st experience liat movie 3D jua! woho!!
hahahahhaa this is really smtg nda pernah tepikir, i joined Peraduan menulis novel islam anjuran pusat da'wah, hahahha my fren nyuruh ikut XDD, mula2 mcm malas, skali end of november atu bru tah start kn mbuat, tutupnya 30.12.10 hahahahha,atuya memarah utak XDD. skali skala berkarya, mcm tym memprint manuskrip atu*manuskrip lahjua* like tacing rasanya,my 1st manuskrip!!! woho XDDD. tym memotokopi dkadai pun mcm gagar hahahhahaha XD , then 29.12.10 ku sama zira ngantar kmi punya manuskrip ke pusat da'wah XDD tawakal sha XD
ehmm what else ... 2010 ... Congratz to my Bro Abdul Hai, dapat nyambung Phd nya, alai manith doakan supaya bro pulang dgn mbwa segulung ijazah doktor falsafah .. Amiin :D
rumah makin sikit jelama hoho.....
hahahaha bruku realise, makin ke ujung taun panya makin bnyk things happen XDDD , picnic wiv All 7's !!,dinner out (stlh lama nda dinner ramai2 huhuhu, mama ikut XD d nyonya!! psl bro hai kn blyr , ngeee) then
we have our TL lagi!!! HAHAAHAHA
basically 2010 ... 2010 ... 2010.... is kinda a tough year for me and also for All 7's seven ..... be sTrong yea All 7's seven! mudah2an smua brlaku ane menambahkan kasih syg tani dgn izin Allah ,Amiin :)
buT heY 2011 is Here!!!! ANoTher JournEy musT be ConTinued!!!!
Perjalanan alum berakhir rite!!!! :DDD im so looking forward this 2011!!!! i dunno why tapi rasanya mcm 2011 ane bnyk smtg unusual happen hahaha random thought kali sj tp antah , jz have the feeling...hopefully it's good :D ..... Like my bro is getting married sOon!!!!!!!! ahernya stlh skian lama nada wedding ceremony! , our new HOME kan siap!!! Move Out g!!!! HAHHAHAA !! .. and hope jua i GeT A Job so very the soOn, i need money!!! HAHAHHAHHAA
yEA!! Welcome 2011!!!! Give Me The "Answer" :) I will Follow ur Road :)
Road of 2011 ............. To Be Continued :) ....
Me.... Love :)
:'( If 'HE' sends us a tough path, 'HE' will also provide tough shoes. Despite of all the things that happened, i still think that u r the most +ve person i ever met. n hey, in 2010 ur officially a writer :')
Thanks baby rehan :D . yea im officially a beginner writer HAHAHAHHA
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