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Hidup adalah Tanggungjawab. Bukan untuk dunia, tapi untuk DIA


Saturday, 21 March 2009

Hitam Dan PuTih

Putih Selalu DiUmpamakan like Purity, Kesucian, Bersih.

However, Hitam Kadang2 Diumpamakan sebagai Gelap, or Maybe "Gaya Mutu Keunggulan" hehe watever...

Tapi.... If any bnda kamah (kotor) kana arah any of these whites..people would say " Kamah eh tu kain ah(contoh)".... sedangkan if the same kamah kana arah any blacks , what would we say?????? Kitani slalo tend to comment nothing, pasal?pasal we don't see the dirts on the blacks, banar?( i dun force u to say Yes plg hehe)....

Namun pada sudut lain, let say a small white left on the blacks,,, now then we can say something about it, yea? But it's quite unfair though pasal many types of kamahs/colours can be seen on the single white while only one WHITE can be seen on the blacks....

Why we dun try touch?to know whether there is a dirt on the blacks, why dun we try to smell on it? where we may smell the kamahs???

Is it because we only judge on what we see rather than mencuba untuk menganalisa banar2???

The answer is pada diri tani sendiri , Hitam Dan Putih....... Putih Dan Hitam.....

p/s: Just a Thought To Share.... U can always don't agree with me :)

With Love....(+_^)v

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, for me to say it a yes @ not is not the whole point. Something happens for a reason. So, in your case ani, sebenarnya da scientific reasons nya which i believe inda bnyk yg berminat kan tahu... So, long story short, white colour is actually a combination of all colours esp yg da dalam VIBGYOR n no black at all... Then,da this visible light produces 'reflection' and bla bla bla... Check ah textbook physics @ chem... Ada tu...
